fredag 17 februari 2012
keynote - kvinnors rättigheter
torsdag 16 februari 2012
Discussion leader and illustrator
Positive - What was posetiv with the end? Explain.
Fact - Du you think Ruth’s mom tryes to run her life?
Emotions - How do you think Millie felt when Ruth wasn’t home?
Creativity - If you could change anything in the book, would you?
Thought - Why do you think Ruth don’t like Millie?
Negative - What parts of the story was negative?
I drew this picture because I thought is was interesting. When Shay’s old school buddy came, it made me think: Why is she there?
Then when she said those things about Shay, it made me feel kynda agree, althouge i wasn’t there.
måndag 13 februari 2012
no labb färger
Syfte: Att lära oss om färger i ljus.
Matriel: Prisma, spalthållare, färgfilter, Optikbänk, skärm med 1 spalt, prisma, optiklampa, elkub, muffar, lins + 10, prismabord.
Utförande: Vi byggde ihop ställningen och på själva prismabordet lade vi på prismat. Vi vred på prismat tills vi såg ett spektrum på väggen. Sen tog vi bort linsen och spalthållaren. Vi satte det röda färgfiltret och sedan det blå och satte på lampan.
Resultat: Om man har på lampan och kvar linsen och den lodräta spalten så blev det ett spektrum där rött böjdes minst och violett mest.
Men när vi hade det röda ljusfiltret så såg man bara rött, de blå färgerna som fanns absorberades in i det röda. När vi hade det blåa färgfiltret hände samma sak men tvärtom.
Slutsats: När vi använde linsen och spalten såg man ett spektrum där det röda ljuset böjdes mest. Det berodde på att den hade längre våglängd än de andra färgerna, medan den violetta böjdes minst för den hade minst våglängd. Man såg även att färgen vit är alla färger i ett. För vit är alla färger. Därmed reflekterar vitt tillbaka alla färger.
torsdag 9 februari 2012
Bookcirkle - summarizer & character tracer
In what we have read, Shay has started to hang out a bit more with Ruth. She thinks Ruth is a person who lets herself be bossed around by everyone else and do not say what she thinks, but Ruth sees no problem with it. Shay talked with her about standing up for herself. Then she had problems with Karina who did not want to hang out more with Ruth. So Karina decided to leave Ruth and join the tough gangs instead. On the following evening, she read a book called "The Diary of Anne Frank," she read the whole book. Karina did not think it was interesting like Ruth did.
She is a girl at school. She is a tough girl who is one of the most popular and is "good locking". She does not seem to spend so much on their school work, but rather spend more time with Ruth's life. She seems to stand for their cause and not allow others boss over her. You could say that she is her own boss. She also seems to like to keep up with Ruth, rather than being with the other popular.
måndag 6 februari 2012
Koöga dissekering
Syfte: Vi skulle ta reda på hur ögat fungerar och hur de olika delarna ser ut.
Utförande: Vi fick två och två ett koöga var. Sen skulle vi ta bort hornhinnan som var på mitten på ögat. Vi tog bort så vi kunde komma in i ögat. Efter det tog vi ut linsen som la strax undertill, därefter tog vi ut glaskroppen. På glaskroppen kunde man se olika delar av en muskel.
Sen efter vi hade tittat på de olika delarna gjorde vi två snitt på sidorna av öga så att vi senare kunde vända ögat ut och in. Sen pratade vi om hur det såg ut och letade upp den blinda fläcken och den gula fläcken.
Resultat: Koögat är nästan helt likadant som människors ögon men det finns skillnader. Alla delar fungerade på olika sätt. Vi fick reda på mycket om ögat. Även om det inte var en människas öga så var det likt.
Slutsats: Att vårt öga är mer komplicerat än man kan tro, även det vatten vi har i ögat, har en roll i ögat.
torsdag 2 februari 2012
Sugar and spice - Wordlist and creative conector
squealed = Tjallat
clinging = Klänga
Essey = Uppgift
pleading = Vädjande
Whining = Gnälla
tread = Gå
tittered = Fnissa
Bully = Mobbare
dysfunctional = Dysfunktionell
Schoolyard= Skolgård
Proper = Rätt / verklig / typisk
Trailed = Vandra
territory = Territorium
Established = Etablerad
Mashed = Mosad
Term = Termin
Iron = Järn
Pathetic = Patetisk
Puppet = Docka
A bully is someone who is meen to very often.
You titter when you think something is fun.
You can tread to school
You can eat mashed potatos
You can live in a proper family.
Now is it schoolterm
Estavlished is when somethin is decided.
A person can be pathetic
You can play with a puppet.
This was an essey.
For this dictionary, I have done a memory, as you see in the picture
I've seen a movie with a lot of similarities.
The film is about a girl who likes school, her name is Anna. But in the morning, she has difficulty walking up to school, given how tired she is. Once she comes up she goes and wakes her big brother. Then she sticks to school, the way she usuallymeet a friend, his name is Nils. Nils and her entourage then to school. Then theyoften meet a bunch on the road. They call them nerds, laughing after them. Thenthey try to increase speed. Then when she comes home she starts studying.
Differences: In the movie there are two people who are teased together, whereas in the book, it's a. In the film, so she brings a boy who is her big brother, the bookraises she her two sisters. Late in the movie she likes to be in school. But in the book so she hates to go to school.
Similarities: Both are "geeks", they are teased at school, they are sleepy, they aresiblings and they are teased by the gang. The two plugs frequently.
I've seen a movie with a lot of similarities.
The film is about a girl who likes school, her name is Anna. But in the morning, she has difficulty walking up to school, given how tired she is. Once she comes up she goes and wakes her big brother. Then she sticks to school, the way she usuallymeet a friend, his name is Nils. Nils and her entourage then to school. Then theyoften meet a bunch on the road. They call them nerds, laughing after them. Thenthey try to increase speed. Then when she comes home she starts studying.
Differences: In the movie there are two people who are teased together, whereas in the book, it's a. In the film, so she brings a boy who is her big brother, the bookraises she her two sisters. Late in the movie she likes to be in school. But in the book so she hates to go to school.
Similarities: Both are "geeks", they are teased at school, they are sleepy, they aresiblings and they are teased by the gang. The two plugs frequently.
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