
torsdag 25 april 2013

Rollbyten - krönika

Jag satt i mitt vardagsrum och spelade, med pappa och hans kompis Henrik i min närhet. De satt och pratade om spel och deras datorer. Inget jag brydde mig om. Genom mina hörlurar som spelade musik från spelet, kunde jag höra hur deras samtalsämne skiftade och de började prata om hur man kan komma ut på internet med allting numera. Till och med med ett ynka DS eller en ipod. Fortfarande brydde jag mig inte om det, jag bara skakade på huvudet lätt om hur häpnadsväckande de tyckte det var. Det var när jag satt och spelade på mitt 3DS de drog in mig i deras konversation.
“Minna!”, ropade min pappa till mig från var de stod brevid den stationära datorn. “Förklara för Henrik hur det funkar med ditt DS och Internetuppkopplingen!”
“Ja ja...”, sa jag och suckade lite halvt irriterat. Inte förstod jag vad som var så svårt att förstå. Så lite halvt motvilligt reste jag mig från soffan och gick till Henrik och pappa. Sedan fick jag stå och förklara för dem hur det hela gick till. Allt från om hur man kom in på internet till hur och var man klickar och håller på.
“Vad man kan göra nu förtiden...”, sa Henrik när jag förklarat, och så skrattade han lite. Pappa skrattade lite han med.
“Ja, de lär sig så fort. De har precis fått 3DS:et och redan så kan de varenda funktion på den.”, skrattade pappa.
“Det är inte alls svårt, det är faktiskt superlätt.”, sa jag till dem båda innan jag gick tillbaka till soffan och tänkte hur löjligt det var att de inte förstod.

Det har hänt ofta att jag har fått förklara för mina föräldrar mycket om sådana här saker, som om hur vissa hemsidor fungerar. Hur man installerar vissa program eller hur vissa spel fungerar. Eller vad en ritplatta gör, det har jag även behövt förklara för en lärare. Det känns som att, eftersom de är vuxna så är det de som borde veta det här, de som lär oss barn... vad hände med det? Nu är det mer vi unga som förklarar för de vuxna. Vi får förklara hur facebook fungerar, hur ett chattrum fungerar, hur det den där nya mobilen är, hur man skickar ett MMS på mobilen eller vem den här nya artisten är.  

Innan var det vi barn och ungdomar som såg upp till de vuxna, det var dom som förklarade saker och ting för oss. Om vi inte förstod något, så vände vi oss till dem. De skulle veta allt vi inte visste. När vi lärde oss att prata, var det för att vi härmade dem, som när vi skulle gå. Då hade vi mamma eller pappa där som hjälpe oss, som förklarade hur vi skulle gå. Vi skulle hålla dem hårt i handen när vi sakta tog nästa steg. När vi skulle lära oss att äta med bordskick. Vi skulle vända oss till dem när vi ville kunna något, och ibland lärde vi oss utan att veta om det. Jag som liten hade alltid deras hjälp. Jag även härmade dem. För det var nog så att när vi var små härmade vi våra föräldrar, som de prata skulle vi prata, vad dom gjorde skulle vi göra. Så var det bara...

Fast nu verkar det inte som så. Nu är det vi ungdomar som som får förklara en massa. Vad kan det bro på? Skulle kunna bero på all den teknologi som omringar oss? När våra föräldrar var barn, då fanns inte touchmobiler, inte en massa laptops och avancerade spel. De växte inte upp med så mycket teknologi som vi ungdomar gör idag. Vi är bortskämda med allt nu förtiden. Det används även ofta, så vi lär oss det jättefort. Man kan säga att vår generation är mer van vid teknologin än den generation våra föräldrar levde under. Man kan enkelt säga att vår generation kommer lära den gamla, men så kommer det nog fortsätta att vara...

tisdag 23 april 2013

Hunger - Richards diary

Today something terrible happened... Mother sent me out to get the groceris. It felt very good, I felt important! Mother gave me the task to buy food for our family, I felt like I was the most important person in the city. The task was in my eyes something adults did, not boys with money in their hand. Needless to say... Joy covered my sences. But when I walked with a smile on the street, I saw a gang of boys. They gave me a look before they attacked me! They stole my money and ran off, leaving me on the street beaten up. Tears filled my eyes as I ran home. My mother did something I would not have expected, I though she would have taken me inside and gotten the food herself after have given those other boys a lesson. Never had I been more wrong, she just gave me a new note with the list of groceris and more money. I sobbed and cried, but she did nothing. Mother just sent me out again, and once more the boys attacked me. I again ran home crying, begging my mother to help me out. But my mother again turned me down and gave me a note and money again, but this time a stick and a strickt glare. She told me to fight back. Never had my loving moteher said that. I tried to sneak passt her, but insead got slapped by her. Mother told me that if I on’t get the food I’m not allowed to come back home. Which left me with two options... one; Get the food and fight back. Second; forced to live on the street. Mom wanted me to stand up for myself, if I come home again crying, the thing I’d bring would be a bag of shame...
With fear crossing my mind, I forced myself! To be a man and get the food! But I felt like a mouse among cats once I met the boygang again. When one of them called’ There he is!’, I highened the hand I held the stick in and striked by slamming the stick against their skulls. I kept telling to fight, when they refused, I just attacked them. This was scary... but at the same time I felt this thrill of joy. I stood up for myself, this I had never done. My hand felt a perfect fit around the beatstick that made the gang run away home to their parents. Not long after my victory fight, their parents came and yelled at me like baring dogs. But I told them they would get the same treatment if they didn’t leave me alone. Now I felt like a proud eagle, elgance and strickt, feared but at the same time edmired. When they left me alone and returned from the shadows they came from. I went and searched for the money and note I had dropped. I found them and went to buy food.

Now... I had won the streets, I owned them, no one would cross me now. I was above all, no one could beat me down. It started bad, but it ended out to be more rewwarding then I thought. No longer do I fear the streets, the street fears me...


tisdag 16 april 2013


I was an intern at the waste disposal service. The first day, I first up went to the office to get my workers outfit. It was nyan orange. I had it so the truckers could see me, since on the place there were a wholelot of trucks driving. And they trucks were big and the driver sat high up. My superviser Åke was sick the first week, so a man named Alex took care of me the first week, and that day I got to ride along with one of the truckers, his name was Bengt. He drove around in Lund, I sat in the passenger seat next to him. During the carrides, he explained to me how things worked. I got to leave the truck when he was showing me what he did daily, which was that he used a big  crane or... arm... that lifted different trashcans up and emptied them in the container that was placed on the truck. Bengt controlled the arm/crane with a controll that he had attached around his waist, there were levers and buttons on this controller, that he used to steer the arm/cran around.

The next day, I went with another trucker named Daniel. He was younger then Begnt and had a different type of truck. This one lifted up containers and went to the disposal with them, to empty them from trash. He like Begnt, had controlls to controll the hook that lifted the container. Daniel was kind enough to let me try using this controller, which I thought was really fun. We were in Dalby a whole lot, he emptied the containers there. Apperantly, they need to drive onto a scale to check their weight before they can empty the container. Just to check how much they empty.And he was one of two younger truckers I went with, the other was a but named Tobias. He was a bit younger. Tobias filled in for truckers who were on vaccation or mayybe home sick. So his job varies. We talked a lot, and he also was in Dalby time to time. But we also went to Malmö to the bigger waste disposal. I thought it was real cool there! But boy there were a whole lot of birds there. All over the trash in search for food.
Then another trucker explained to me something about how much they’re allowed to drive, and on how they always know how much every trucker drive. They have disk in the car, that they change everyday for a new one, it marks on how how fast you drive, when you drive and all. Beacuse the drivesr have a drivers limit on how much they’re allowed to drive everyday.

But on the first Friday, I wasn’t riding a truck again, I was making trashcans since I wouldn’t have time riding a truck sicne I had to end earlier that day. But my working scedual was very various all the time. sometimes I ended real early somedays. Due to that the trcukers came back that time, It could be 14:00, when I should have ended an hour later. The longest day was from 08:00 to 14:50.

I loved being an intern there, everyone was so friendly. They seemed to be more friends then working buddies. Which I loved a whole lot, I would have wanted to stay for maybe an another week.  I wouldn’t mind working there, but I guess it’s more hard to work if it was raining like hell. Or how early they start, real early. Other then that, I think working there would be quite pleasent.